Interested in joining a Small Faith Group at St. Elizabeth?
For more info, email
Are you interested in joining or forming a Small Faith Group (SFG) at St. Elizabeth? Many groups have been meeting in person and by Zoom and have found enormous comfort and support by sharing, learning, and growing together in faith. There is nothing like talking with one another—in person or by Zoom—to learn, grow, and form new friendships.
What is a Small Faith Group?
Groups of 8 – 12 adult parishioners who regularly meet to pray, learn, share, and serve together.
Can I join an existing group or form a new one? Interested parishioners can email Deacon Mike. The Adult Faith Formation team will assist you in joining a group that best meets your needs (schedule, interests, etc) or forming a new group. We rely heavily on parishioners and group members to invite new members.
When/Where/How often will groups meet? Each group decides how often they want to meet, which day/time is most convenient, and how/where they will meet (by Zoom or in person). Groups meet at a variety of days and times to accommodate many parishioners.
What content will groups use? Each group decides what content they want to study together, whether it’s scripture studies, books, online material, church documents, prayer forms, etc. The parish will curate and offer a menu of available content, and groups are free to find and obtain their own content. Content can circulate among groups.
2024 Small Faith Group Kickoff
Come join us Sunday, Sept. 22, after the 10:00 Mass in Seton Hall for our 2024 kickoff!