Welcome to the St. Elizabeth Knights of Columbus council - Msgr. Peter R. Kennedy Council #14163. The Knights are a fraternal, Catholic organization that performs works of service to the parish and the surrounding community. Since our beginning in 2006 we have swelled in numbers and have given back much in terms of talent, organization, monetary assistance, and fun. The commitment level for any knight can vary from knight to knight depending on their external commitment - from as little as a few hours a year with volunteer work to as much a servicing as one of our officers.
To learn more about joining the Knights please click here to send a request for more information.
We have given back to the parish and community with such events and activities as:
- Lenten Fish Fry events
- Irish Fest beer tent for FIRE
- Mouse Races
- Parish-wide Kansas City Royals baseball outing
- Free Throw Tournament
- Improving the Seton Hall kitchen
- Mom's and Pop's Tourney food organization
- Donation to and helping at the Auction
- Rose for Life for right-for-life legislation
- Tootsie Roll handout for Special Olympics
- ...and many more behind the scenes assistance!
Upcoming Events
Knights Free Throw Contest: The annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest will be Sunday, January 26 at 12:00pm in the school gymnasium for boys and girls ages 9 – 14 (as of Jan. 1.) Winners will move on to the district contest (vs. Visitation and St. Peter's) with the opportunity to go to regional and state competition.
Grandsons, granddaughters, nieces and nephews from outside the parish are welcome! Please contact Jim Berry (jberrygm@gmail.com) if you have any questions.