Respect Life

Respect Life » committee members are involved in the general education of parishioners about the sanctity of life from conception through death.

At its most basic level, the pro-life message is this: An unborn child is a human person whose life has value and deserves to be protected by our society.

Carrying this message throughout our parish and beyond is the mission of the Respect Life Ministry at St. Elizabeth. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish office to get you in touch with our ministry. 

We have many activities throughout the year. We pray a Rosary for Life every quarter and invite all the parish to join us. During October and during Lent, we join with other area churches to pray during the 40 Days for Life vigil in Overland Park. We also coordinate drives to collect needed items for local maternity homes. We hold our annual “Have a Heart for Moms in Need” drive each spring. This drive benefits Mother’s Refuge and St. Mary’s Home for Mothers. We also sponsor the Mother’s Day Carnations. 

Watch the bulletin and your email for ways to get involved.


What's Happening in Our Ministry


Have a Heart for Moms in Need

The weekend of April 20/21, the Respect Life Ministry kicks off our Have a Heart for Moms in Need supply drive for local maternity homes. Take a heart from one of the posters near the entrances to the church. Each heart has a wish list item from St. Mary’s Home for Mothers or Mother’s Refuge, two area maternity homes. Purchase the needed item and return your donation to the church or PMC by May 12 to help us make Mother’s Day brighter for moms in need.

Mother’s Refuge is a local maternity home that shelters and supports homeless pregnant and parenting young women by providing comprehensive services that empower them to make successful life decisions for themselves and their babies.

St. Mary’s Home for Mothers (SMHM) is another maternity home that offers women in crisis pregnancies a dignified place to live, raise their babies, and create paths to productive, independent lives. SMHM allows an expectant mother with older children to bring those children to the home with her.


Mother’s Day Carnations

The weekend of May 11/12, enjoy a carnation in celebration of mothers everywhere. The Respect Life Ministry will be handing out flowers for Mother’s Day.